Страница обновлена 01.08.2017

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение "Средняя школа № 4 им. Н. А. Некрасова с углубленным изучением английского языка"

Страница обновлена 01.08.2017
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение "Средняя школа № 4 им. Н. А. Некрасова с углубленным изучением английского языка"

School Today


Features of our educational process
- we begin to teach English in the second form;
- in the 9th form optional courses are introduced;
- in the 10th and 11th forms English and American Literature is a compulsory subject,

Business English is an optional course;
- in 2012 three profile classes were opened in the 10th form. A top priority for our school is to provide development and socialization of pupils’ personalities based on high-quality education which aims at self-long learning and active participating in various spheres of life both of Russia’s society and the world community.

School Photos
